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Dosiero:1921. На Купалле.jpg

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Michaś Filipovič: Midsummer night  wikidata:Q60197246 reasonator:Q60197246
Michaś Filipovič  (1896–1947)  wikidata:Q8257263 s:be:Аўтар:Міхась Філіповіч
Michaś Filipovič
Alternativaj nomoj
Mihail Macvjejevich Filipovich
Priskribo pentristo
Dato de naskiĝo/morto la 27-a de majo 1896 (laŭ la Julia KalendaroEdit this at Wikidata 1947 Edit this at Wikidata
Loko de naskiĝo/morto Minsko Edit this at Wikidata Moskvo Edit this at Wikidata
Loko de laboro
Sankt-Peterburgo (1934–1938); Moskvo (1938–1987) Edit this at Wikidata
Norma datumaro
artist QS:P170,Q8257263
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
На Купалле

Midsummer night / During the Midsummer
title QS:P1476,be:"На Купалле"
label QS:Lbe,"На Купалле"
label QS:Lru,"На Купалье"
label QS:Lde,"Mittsommernacht"
label QS:Len,"Midsummer night / During the Midsummer"
Object type pentraĵo Edit this at Wikidata
Dato ĉirkaŭ 1921-1922
Medio oleo sur cardboard
medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q389782,P518,Q861259
Dimensioj alto: 71 cm; larĝo: 84 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,71U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,84U174728
institution QS:P195,Q2584571
Referenco Artmuseum, image
Fonto/Fotisto 1. Аляксей Ластоўскі, эл. архіў
Ceteraj versioj
Pozicio de la fotilo53° 53′ 52,88″ No, 27° 33′ 40,34″ Or  Heading=172.19678° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Tiu cxi bildo kaj pliaj sur OpenStreetMapinfo


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Public domain

Tiu ĉi verko estas publika havaĵo en tiuj landoj, kies kopirajtado validas por longo de vivo plus 75 jaroj aŭ malpli.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1930.

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Public domain
This work is in the public domain in Belarus according to Law No. 370-XIII of Belarus of May 16, 1996 (with revisions) on Copyrights and Neighbouring Rights because its copyright protection has expired or such protection was never provided (details).

Article 22. Protection Period of Copyright

1. The right of authorship, right of the name and right of protection of reputation of the author are protected termlessly.

The ownership rights remain valid during the whole life of the author and 50 years after his/her death, except for cases envisaged by the present Article.

2. Concerning an anonymous work or a work under the pseudonym the protection period makes 50 years after the moment of the first legal publication of the work.

At absence of legal publication within 50 years after the moment of creation of such work, the protection period makes 50 years after the moment of the first bringing of the work to universal knowledge upon the consent of the author in the form other than publication.

At absence of the above valid publication and any other bringing of the work to universal knowledge upon consent of the author within 50 years after the moment of creation of such work, the protection period makes 50 years after the moment of creation of the work.

If during the above period the author of an anonymous work or works under a pseudonym discloses his/her person, or his/her person does not leave any further doubts, clause 1 of the present Article shall be applied.

3. The ownership rights on a work created in co-authorship, shall act during the whole life and 50 years after the death of the last author who has survived over other co-authors.

4. Calculation of the periods envisaged by the present Article shall starts from January 1 of the year following the year, in which the juridical fact took place being the basis for beginning to calculate the period.

Article 23. Common Property

1. Expiration of operation period of ownership rights on objects of copyright or adjacent rights means transition of these objects into common property.

Objects of copyright or adjacent rights never protected in the territory of the Republic of Belarus are also considered as transited into common property.

2. Objects of copyright or adjacent rights transited into common property may be freely used by any individual or legal entity without payment of any reward. In this case personal non-ownership rights must be observed.

You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States.

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0.03030303030303030303 sekundo

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53°53'52.879"N, 27°33'40.342"E

heading angla: 172,19678 grado


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nun17:50, 3 jan. 2022Bildeto por versio ekde 17:50, 3 jan. 20221 961 × 1 603 (1,04 MB)Kazimier Lachnovičquality
15:57, 29 feb. 2012Bildeto por versio ekde 15:57, 29 feb. 2012530 × 427 (227 KB)Butko

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