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Dosiero:2010-06-04 Schalke 04-Geschäftsstelle 01.jpg

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Pozicio de la objekto51° 33′ 33″ No, 7° 03′ 46″ Or Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Tiu cxi bildo kaj pliaj sur OpenStreetMapinfo
Deutsch: Die Geschäftsstelle des FC Schalke 04
English: FC Schalke 04
Dato la 4-a de junio 2010, 10:24 (UTC)
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Wo st 01
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w:eo:Creative Commons
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    I have published this image as author under the "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Licence". This means that free, commercial usage outside of Wikimedia projects is possible subject to the following terms of licence:

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Wo st 01 / Wikimedia Commons


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51°33'33.00001"N, 7°3'46.00001"E

0,0025 sekundo

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121 milimetro

ISO speed angla




4 971 359 bajto

2 592 rastrumero

3 888 rastrumero


Alklaku iun daton kaj horon por vidi kiel la dosiero tiam aspektis.

nun08:05, 5 jun. 2010Bildeto por versio ekde 08:05, 5 jun. 20103 888 × 2 592 (4,74 MB)Wo st 01{{User:Wo st 01/MyPic | 1d=die Geschäftsstelle des FC Schalke 04 | 1e=FC Schalke 04 | 2=2010-06-04 10:24 | Nd=51 | Nm=33 | Ns=33 | Ed=7 | Em=03 | Es=46 | reg=DE-NW }} Category:FC Schalke 04

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