This superb specimen is a glowing pink morganite crystal with exceptional color, perched smartly on a well-trimmed matrix of cleavelandite. The crystal is remarkable for its symmetry, and its gemminess, which is obvious even in the photos. The faces are sharp, showing none of the typical rounding one normally sees in large morganites from here. It is 9 x 6 x 5 cm in size. As is expected for this locality, the front and back faces are glassy and some of the side faces are of a duller, matte lustre - typical for the locality, in any case. Usually, only one gemmy frontal face shows and these tend to be buried in the matrix, this making this exceptional for its display position which shows both rear and front faces off. What is really atypical is the fact that the side faces are so sharply defined by steep bevels - and this is not common in Afghanistan morganites, which usually have flat sides. Ex. Marc Weill Collection.
Atribuite: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0
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