I am gonna try, but i know i cannot really describe in words how breathtakingly intricate and attractive this specimen really is! Broken Hill is one of the great classic localties for coppers. Copper "feathers" are among the most treasured though they are scarce on the market because of both age and fragility as well as the fact that so few good ones were found. This one is the best "feather"-type example I have seen for sale for this size range, and consists of an unbelieveably aesthetic cluster of herringbone-type copper crystals (spinel-twins with elongated c axes) perched delicately on thicker, untwinned crystals. The natural patina of dark green color is not only attractive, but starkly contrasts the piece to other coppers and makes it all the more dramatic in any suite of coppers, to my mind (though certainly it is easy enough to strip off this patina and have another bright and shiny piece, i think it a shame to do so!). The stalks of the 3 feathers are a bit "bendable" , the piece is sturdy enough once put on display. Spectacular display specimen! 6.5 cm
Atribuite: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0
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== {{int:filedesc}} ==
:: Locality: Block 14 Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna County, New South Wales, Australia ([http://www.minda
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