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PriskriboJicin 03.jpg
English: Jičín is a town in the Hradec Králové Region of the Czech Republic. It lies northeast of Prague in the scenic region of the ’Bohemian Paradise’ (Český ráj) under the Prachov Rocks (Prachovské skály).
Jičín has been declared a Municipal Reserve (městská památková rezervace) because of its well-preserved historical center, built around a rectangular square with a regular Gothic street layout, remnants of fortifications and Renaissance arcade and Baroque houses. The town is also connected with the popular fairy-tale character of Rumcajs. The Battle of Gitschin was fought nearby during the Austro-Prussian War of 1866.. The Scotch Mist Gallery contains many photographs of historic buildings, monuments and memorials of Poland and beyond.
Polski: Jiczyn. Galeria Mist Scotch zawiera wiele zdjęć zabytkowych budowli, pomników i miejsc pamięci w Polsce.
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