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PriskriboJully Black Singing Love Child.jpg
English: Jully Black at the 2008 Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame Gala.
Esperanto: Jully Black ĉe la Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame Gala en la jaro 2008.
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The original description page was here. All following user names refer to en.wikipedia.
2008-03-05 14:06 Dfrancois 800×1174× (354868 bytes) {{Information |Description=Jully Black at the 2008 Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame Gala |Source=self-made |Date=March 1, 2008 |Location=Toronto, Ontario, Canada |Author=~~~ |other_versions= }}
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{{BotMoveToCommons|en.wikipedia|year={{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}|month={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}}|day={{subst:CURRENTDAY}}}} {{Information |Description={{en|Jully Black at the 2008 Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame Gala}} |Source=Transferred from [http://en.wi
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