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Dosiero:Seal of North Darfur State.png

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El Vikipedio, la libera enciklopedio

Bildo en pli alta difino ((800 × 795 rastrumeroj, grandeco de dosiero: 603 KB, MIME-tipo: image/png))

Jen dosiero de la Wikimedia-Komunejo. La priskribo en ties priskriba paĝo estas montrata suben.
La Komunejo estas dosieruja retejo de libere licencitaj dosieroj.


English: Seal of North Darfur state in Sudan
Aŭtoro Government of Sudan

Public domain This image was first published in Sudan or South Sudan and is now in the public domain, either because its term of copyright has expired, or because it is ineligible for copyright protection according to the Sudanese Law. This work meets one of the following conditions:
  • It is ineligible for protection because it is "daily news or occurrences of like nature published in newspapers, magazines or other periodicals or broadcast by radio or television".
  • It is ineligible for protection because it is an official government document, state emblem, or seal.

Article 198 of the Constitution of the South Sudan declares that "All laws of South Sudan shall remain in force [...] unless new action are taken [...]." As there is no new South Sudanese copyright law at this time, the Sudanese one is still in force there.

To uploader: Please provide where the image was first published and who created it.

South Sudan


Alklaku iun daton kaj horon por vidi kiel la dosiero tiam aspektis.

nun12:48, 7 jan. 2023Bildeto por versio ekde 12:48, 7 jan. 2023800 × 795 (603 KB)Dn9ahximproved resolution
09:07, 27 feb. 2020Bildeto por versio ekde 09:07, 27 feb. 2020202 × 199 (49 KB)Cordyceps-Zombie{{subst:Upload marker added by en.wp UW}} {{Information |Description = {{en|Seal of North Darfur state in Sudan}} |Source =ولاية-الجزيرة/ |Author = Government of Sudan }} {{PD-Sudan-exempt}}

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