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Dosiero:Staffordshire hoard annotated.jpg

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Ænglisc: Stæffordscīr hord. Searucēap þæs hordes
Deutsch: Teile des Schatzes von Staffordshire. Linksunten im Bild steht ein schmaler Streifen aus Gold mit einer lateinischen Inschrift aus dem Buch Numeri (4. Buch Mose 10,35 EU): „surge d[omi]ne [et] disepentur inimici tui et fugent qui oderunt te a facie tua“ (Steh auf, Herr, dann zerstreuen sich deine Feinde, / dann fliehen deine Gegner vor dir.).
English: Pieces from the Staffordshire hoard, an Anglo-Saxon treasure trove discovered in 2009. From top left to bottom right the items are:
  • Part of helmet cheek piece (left)
  • "Fish and Eagles" (above and right of cheek piece)
  • NLM 567: sword fitting or dagger hilt (right of cheek piece)
  • NLM 655: folded cross (top right)
  • mount with entwined pattern within rectangle (above strip)
  • NLM 449: hilt piece with inlaid intertwining pattern (middle)
  • NLM 451: pyramid-shaped mount or sword fixing (below 449, above strip)
  • NLM 462: pyramid-shaped mount or sword fixing
  • NLM 545: stud with chequerboard pattern
  • NLM 550: folded band with Latin inscription (lower left)
  • NLM 675: small round stud
  • horse-patterned rod (lower right)
At the lower left the folded gold band, NLM 550, is inscribed with the Latin inscription
surge d[omi]ne [et] dispentur inimici tui et fugent qui oderunt te a facie tua
which could be translated as "
rise up, o Lord, and may thy enemies be scattered and those who hate thee be driven from thy face
Frysk: Skat fan Staffordshire. Stikken fan de Skat fan Staffordshire
Fonto Staffordshire hoard
Aŭtoro David Rowan, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
(Reuzo de la dosiero)
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This image was originally posted to Flickr by portableantiquities at It was reviewed on la 25-a de septembro 2009 by FlickreviewR and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.
la 25-a de septembro 2009
When this file was uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, it was available from Flickr under the stated license. The Flickr user has since stopped distributing the file under this license. As Creative Commons licenses cannot be revoked in this manner, the file is still free to use under the terms of the license specified. See the Creative Commons FAQ on revoking licensing.

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This image is annotated: View the annotations at Commons


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Items from the Staffordshire hoard which were declared to be treasure in September 2009.

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0.00555556747686253135 sekundo

f-number angla


120 milimetro

ISO speed angla




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nun12:55, 27 nov. 2022Bildeto por versio ekde 12:55, 27 nov. 2022964 × 723 (160 KB)Ptyxlevels
18:21, 25 sep. 2009Bildeto por versio ekde 18:21, 25 sep. 2009964 × 723 (163 KB)84user=={{int:filedesc}}== {{Information |Description={{ang|1=ang:Stæffordscīr hord. Searucēap þæs hordes}} {{de|1=Teile des Schatzes von Staffordshire. Linksunten im Bild steht ein schmaler Streifen aus Gold mit eine

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