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Dosiero:Titanic's B 59 stateroom.jpg

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H1732 R.W.

English: Stateroom B-59, decorated in Old Dutch style
Français : La cabine B 59 du Titanic, de style Hollandais ancien.
Polski: RMS Titanic: kabina B-59.
Fonto [1]
Robert Welch  (1859–1936)  wikidata:Q7350955
Robert Welch
Alternativaj nomoj
Robert John Welch; Robert J. Welch
Priskribo irlanda-brita fotisto kaj geologo
Dato de naskiĝo/morto la 22-a de julio 1859 Edit this at Wikidata la 28-a de septembro 1936 Edit this at Wikidata
Loko de naskiĝo/morto Strabane Edit this at Wikidata Belfasto Edit this at Wikidata
Norma datumaro
creator QS:P170,Q7350955


This image is in the public domain because it is a mere mechanical scan or photocopy of a public domain original, or – from the available evidence – is so similar to such a scan or photocopy that no copyright protection can be expected to arise. The original itself is in the public domain for the following reason:
Public domain

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This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1930.

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marto 1912Gregoria


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nun14:12, 3 nov. 2023Bildeto por versio ekde 14:12, 3 nov. 20236 000 × 4 657 (15,77 MB)Stv26Original picture from the same page at the National Museums Northern Ireland, no other changes
21:14, 24 jun. 2018Bildeto por versio ekde 21:14, 24 jun. 20181 900 × 1 475 (655 KB)KekatorHigher resolution
22:57, 4 okt. 2013Bildeto por versio ekde 22:57, 4 okt. 2013902 × 700 (219 KB)KekatorBetter
20:53, 10 okt. 2007Bildeto por versio ekde 20:53, 10 okt. 2007800 × 600 (105 KB)Deigus15{{Information |Description= Stateroom B-57, decorated in Old Dutch style |Source= Titanic Photographic Collection |Date= 1912 |Author= Unknown |Permission= Public Domain |other_versions= }}

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