Viena Cirklo

La Viena Cirklo (germane Wiener Kreis) de logika empiriismo estis grupo de filozofoj kaj sciencistoj el la fakoj de naturaj kaj sociaj sciencoj, logiko kaj matematiko kiuj kunsidis regule el 1924 al 1936 ĉe la Universitato de Vieno, estre de Moritz Schlick.
Ĝi estis scienca kaj filozofia organismo formita de Moritz Schlick (germano) en Vieno, Aŭstrio, en 1921 kaj malformita definitive en 1936. Tiu movado, kun la origina nomo de Cirklo de Vieno por la scienca konceptigo de la mondo, okupiĝis ĉefe pri la logiko de la scienco, konsiderante la filozofion kiel fako destinita al distingo inter kio estas scienco kaj kio ne estas tio, kaj pri la prilaborado de komuna lingvaĵo por ĉiuj sciencoj. Elstaras ties sinteno radikale kontraŭmetafizika kaj ties logika koncepto pri la matematiko. Ĝi organizis la unuan internacian kongreson de epistemologio en Prago en 1929 kaj fondis la gazeton Erkenntnis.
En la aktualo la cirklo de Vieno jam ne plu reprezentas aktivan programon de esplorado, sed ĝi influis forte en la disvolvigo de la analiza filozofio kaj en la ĵusa historio de la filozofio de la scienco.
[redakti | redakti fonton]Notoj
[redakti | redakti fonton]Bibliografio
[redakti | redakti fonton]Unuaranga literaturo
[redakti | redakti fonton]- Carnap, Rudolf. "Überwindung der Metaphysik durch Logische Analyse der Sprache" in Erkenntnis, vol. 2, 1932 (English translation "The Elimination of Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language" in Sarkar, Sahotra, ed., Logical empiricism at its peak: Schlick, Carnap, and Neurath, New York : Garland Pub., 1996, pp. 10–31)
- Neurath, Otto and Carnap, Rudolf and Morris, Charles W. Foundations of the Unity of Sciences, vol. 1, Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1969.
- Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung. Der Wiener Kreis, 1929. English translation The Scientific Conception of the World. The Vienna Circle in Sarkar, Sahotra, ed., The Emergence of Logical Empiricism: from 1900 to the Vienna Circle, New York : Garland Publishing, 1996, pp. 321–340
- Stadler, Friedrich and Uebel, Thomas (eds.): Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung. Der Wiener Kreis. Hrsg. vom Verein Ernst Mach (1929). Reprint of the first edition. With translations into English, French, Spanish and Italian. Vienna: Springer, 2012.
- Stöltzner, Michael and Uebel, Thomas (eds.). Wiener Kreis. Texte zur wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung. Meiner, Hamburg, 2006, (ISBN 3-7873-1811-9). (Antologio en germana)
Duaranga literaturo
[redakti | redakti fonton]- Ayer, Alfred Jules. Language, Truth and Logic. London, Victor Gollancz, 1936.
- Ayer, Alfred Jules. Logical Positivism. Glencoe, Ill: Free Press, 1959.
- Barone, Francesco. Il neopositivismo logico. Roma Bari: Laterza, 1986.
- Bergmann, Gustav. The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism. New York: Longmans Green, 1954.
- Cirera, Ramon. Carnap and the Vienna Circle: Empiricism and Logical Syntax. Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1994.
- Damböck, Christian. (2013) Damböck, Christian: Der Wiener Kreis — Ausgewählte Texte (germane). Stuttgart: Reclam, p. 227—244.
- Frank, Philipp: Modern Science and its Philosophy. Cambridge, 1949.
- Friedman, Michael, Reconsidering Logical Positivism. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
- Gadol, Eugene T. Rationality and Science: A Memorial Volume for Moritz Schlick in Celebration of the Centennial of his Birth. Wien: Springer, 1982.
- Geymonat, Ludovico. La nuova filosofia della natura in Germania. Torino, 1934.
- Giere, Ronald N. and Richardson, Alan W. Origins of Logical Empiricism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997.
- Haller, Rudolf. Neopositivismus. Eine historische Einführung in die Philosophie des Wiener Kreises. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1993, (ISBN 3-534-06677-4). (German)
- Kraft, Victor. The Vienna Circle: The Origin of Neo-positivism, a Chapter in the History of Recent Philosophy. New York: Greenwood Press, 1953.
- Limbeck, Christoph and Stadler, Friedrich (eld.). The Vienna Circle. Texts and Pictures of an Exhibition. Münster-Berlin-London 2015. (ISBN 978-3-643-90649-6)
- McGuinness, Brian. Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle: Conversations Recorded by Friedrich Waismann. Trans. by Joachim Schulte and Brian McGuinness. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1979.
- Parrini, Paolo; Salmon, Wesley C.; Salmon, Merrilee H. (ed.) Logical Empiricism — Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003.
- Reisch, George. How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science : To the Icy Slopes of Logic. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
- Rescher, Nicholas (eld.). The Heritage of Logical Positivism. University Press of America, 1985.
- Richardson, Alan. “The Scientific World Conception. Logical Positivism”, in: T. Baldwin (Hg.), The Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1870-1945, 2003, 391-400.
- Richardson, Alan and Uebel, Thomas (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Logical Empiricism. Cambridge, 2007.
- Salmon, Wesley and Wolters, Gereon (ed.), Logic, Language, and the Structure of Scientific Theories: Proceedings of the Carnap-Reichenbach Centennial, University of Konstanz, 21–24 May 1991, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1994.
- Sarkar, Sahotra. The Emergence of Logical Empiricism: From 1900 to the Vienna Circle. New York: Garland Publishing, 1996.
- Sarkar, Sahotra. Logical Empiricism at its Peak: Schlick, Carnap, and Neurath. New York: Garland Pub., 1996.
- Sarkar, Sahotra. Logical Empiricism and the Special Sciences: Reichenbach, Feigl, and Nagel. New York: Garland Pub., 1996.
- Sarkar, Sahotra. Decline and Obsolescence of Logical Empiricism: Carnap vs. Quine and the Critics. New York: Garland Pub., 1996.
- Sarkar, Sahotra. The Legacy of the Vienna Circle: Modern Reappraisals. New York: Garland Pub., 1996.
- Spohn, Wolfgang (eld.), Erkenntnis Orientated: A Centennial Volume for Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.
- Stadler, Friedrich. The Vienna Circle. Studies in the Origins, Development, and Influence of Logical Empiricism. New York: Springer, 2001. – 2a Eldono: Dordrecht: Springer, 2015.
- Stadler, Friedrich (eld.). The Vienna Circle and Logical Empiricism. Re-evaluation and Future Perspectives. Dordrecht – Boston – London, Kluwer, 2003.
- Uebel, Thomas. Vernunftkritik und Wissenschaft: Otto Neurath und der erste Wiener Kreis. Wien-New York 2000. (German)
- Uebel, Thomas, "On the Austrian Roots of Logical Empiricism" in Logical Empiricism — Historical and contemporary Perspectives, ed. Paolo Parrini, Wesley C. Salmon, Merrilee H. Salmon, Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003, pp. 76–93.
Eksteraj ligiloj
[redakti | redakti fonton]- Institute Vienna Circle Arkivigite je 2014-06-23 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
- Vienna Circle Foundation Amsterdam Arkivigite je 2014-01-02 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
- Thomas Uebel, "Vienna Circle", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- The Vienna Circle Manifesto (1929)Arkivigite je 2009-03-05 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
- Mauro Murzi's homepage on Logical positivism