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Historio de budhismo

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Nirvano· Dependa ekesto
Anatta· Dukkha· Anicca
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Budho · Bodisatvo
Arahanto· Nobla Okobla Vojo
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de budhismo



Tripitako· Vinajo
Sutro Pitako· Abidarmo
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Budhismaj tantroj


En Budhismo, bodhicitta, "lumiga menso" aŭ "vekiĝa menso"), estas la menso kiu celas al lumigo, vekigo, empatio, kaj kompato por profito de ĉiuj sentantaj estaĵoj.[1]

Bodhicitta estas spontanea deziro atingi lumigon motivate de granda kompato por ĉiuj sentantaj estaĵoj, akompanate de forfalo el la ligiloj al la iluzio de neesenca memekzistado.[2]

Persono kiu havas spontanean realigon aŭ motivigon de "bodhicitta" estas nomata bodisatvo.


[redakti | redakti fonton]
  1. Das, Surya (1998). Awakening the Buddha Within: Tibetan Wisdom for the Western World. Broadway Books. pp. 145–146. ISBN 0-76790157-6.
  2. Fischer, Norman (2013). Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong. Shambhala Publications. p. 11. ISBN 9781611800401.


[redakti | redakti fonton]
  • Gampopa, Khenpo Konchog Gyaltsen (1998). The Jewel Ornament of Liberation: The Wish-Fulfilling Gem of the Noble Teachings. ISBN 9781559390927.
  • Gyatso, Tenzin (1995). The World of Tibetan Buddhism: An Overview of Its Philosophy and Practice. Wisdom Publications. ISBN 978-0861710973.
  • Harvey, Peter (2000). An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521556408.
  • Lampert, Khen (2006). Traditions of Compassion: From Religious Duty to Social Activism. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1403985279.
  • Matics, Marion L. (1970). "Entering the Path of Enlightenment: The Bodhicaryavatara of the Buddhist Poet Santideva". Macmillan. Missing or empty |url= (help)
  • Powers, John (2007). Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. Snow Lion Publications. ISBN 978-1559392822.
  • Sangharakshita (1990). A Guide to the Buddhist Path. Windhorse Publications. ISBN 978-1907314056.
  • Sopa, Geshe Lhundub; Pratt, David (2004). Steps on the Path to Enlightenment Vol. 1. Wisdom Publications. ISBN 978-0861713035.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji (2007). Studia Philologica Buddhica XXIII. The Resolve to Become a Buddha: A Study of the Bodhicitta Concept in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. The International Institute for Buddhist Studies. ISBN 978-4-906267-59-0.
  • White, Kenneth R. (2005). The Role of Bodhicitta in Buddhist Enlightenment. The Edwin Mellen Press. ISBN 978-0-7734-5985-4. [includes translations of the following: Bodhicitta-sastra, Benkemmitsu-nikyoron, Sammaya-kaijo]