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Diskuto:Livona lingvo

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Stilo de du ĉapitroj

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Saluton. Mi ĵus vidis, ke IP-ulo aldonis du ĉapitrojn. Sed en ambaŭ aperas frazo kun la pronomo "mi". Tio ne estas enciklopedia, precipe, se la koncerna frazo estas pli malpli "mi ne scias". Do tio estas urĝe ŝanĝenda. Amike --Tlustulimu 17:56, 15 Sep. 2011 (UTC)

(+) Ĉe la unua koncernata ĉapitro mi ĵus korektis la "mi"-frazojn. Sed ĉe la ĉapitro "Kie ni povas aŭdi kaj paroli livonan lingvon?" tio ŝajnas esti iomete pli malfacila. Kiu havas ideon? --Tlustulimu 18:00, 15 Sep. 2011 (UTC)

It seems to me, that someone thought, that it is not important, to find out, where this manuscript is. He or she banned all, what could help to find these informations. O.k., it was not so excessive like it uses to be in the german wiki. But if these informations do not come back soon into the article, I will not continue to give you more informations, if I get them. Of course, you could find them in the livonian wikipedia - if you understand this language. But in summertime's weekends (fr-mo) it was really so, that the museum was a good possibility for contacts with livonians. At the festival of the livonian people on the first saturday of august, it was quite difficult, to find the about ten people, who could speak this language, in the crowd of people, who spoke only latvian, but had a livonian soul. Even the important role of songs which help, that the language survives disappeared. But, this idea of sciense, where linguistic informations about the related languages are so important, and the people, who use this language in this difficult situation, this is without interest, except they go to the departments of Tartu university, to look, what is collected (and may be forgotten) about this language in former times. One effect is, that the texts in this language are often boring, if the reader has a restricted interest of old texts. But the letters of the users of this language, which show me the actual situation, were really interesting. They became short, when one organizer of the year of the livonian language, it is this year, decided, to close the e-dictionary of this language, because this used (not only) his paper-dictionary - and his rights of an author seems for him more important than the important tool for young users of the language, who were too young, to buy the paper-dictionary, when it was not yet sold out. —La komenton aldonis, sen subskribo, (diskuto • kontribuoj) 09:58, 18 sep. 2011‎

Pri kiu manuskripto temu??
Sendepende de la supra, ŝajne iom frustrita, anglalingva komento, mi pensas ke la nuna artikoleto fariĝis tute simpatia, en bona Esperanto farita teksto pri ekzotika temo. 12:16, 8 nov. 2020 (UTC)ThomasPusch (diskuto)

La retejo jam en 2007 estis senespere morta, kaj ne eblis arkivigi ion ajn al la interreta arkivo [1] Restas nur elpreni la ekde 16 jaroj mortan ligilon. ThomasPusch (diskuto) 15:26, 21 nov. 2023 (UTC)[Respondi]