Sonata in E major for flute or recorder and basso continuo (BWV 1035) — 3rd movement (Flute Sonata E major - 3. Siciliano)
These recordings (1974) come from Pan104 titled "Complete and Authentic Works from the Neue Bach Gesellshaft." There is one more Sonata which is agreed on to be authentic, but it is incomplete in the 1st movement. It will be found in Vol2.
The traverso was made by Engelhard of Nuernberg, who was born in 1758. The pitch is A=419 herz. This flute is from the de Wit collection in Amsterdam and was kindly lent by the owner for the recording. The harpsichord is an Italian replica, similar to the one used for the Italian harpsichord recording, except for a nasard stop, an additional row of jacks close to the plucking point.
The tuning for the B minor sonatas which traverses many keys is the Werkmeister #1, a well temperament. The remaining sonatas are in mean tone tuning. The realizations of the bass for sonatas in E major and minor were done by Martha Goldstein.
The Al Goldstein collection in the Pandora Music repository at
Alex Murray (traverso) and Martha Goldstein (harpsichord)
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{{Information |Description=These recordings(1974) come from Pan104 titled "Complete and Authentic Works from the Neue Bach Gesellshaft." There is one more Sonata which is agreed on to be authentic, but it is incomplete in the 1st movement. It will be foun
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