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Antaŭ ol fari (iom grandan) redakton, ni tre rekomendas tralegi kiel redakti paĝon kaj kiel verki bonan artikolon. Konsideru: se viaj redaktoj ne respektas la regulojn, tiam alia vikipediisto verŝajne rapide forigos (malfari) ilin. Bonvolu lerni la kvin principojn kiuj regas Vikipedion.
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Por respondi al mesaĝo de alia vikipediisto bonvolu iri al ties diskutpaĝo, alikaze tiu ne rimarkos la informilon "Vi havas novan mesaĝon" — kaj eblas ke vi ne ricevos respondon. Skribu vian mesaĝon en la fino de la diskutpaĝo kaj ne forgesu subskribi ĝin tajpante --~~~~ aŭ uzante la butonon .
Vi disponas ankaŭ uzantopaĝon, kie vi povas meti informojn pri vi mem kaj pri viaj interesoj, listigi la lingvojn kiujn vi komprenas ktp. Vi povas fari tion, tre elegante, enmetante en vian uzantopaĝon la ŝablonon {{BabelLando}}. Per tiu ŝablono via paĝo estos aŭtomate ordigita en la kategoriojn kiuj listigas la vikipediistojn laŭ lingvokapabloj kaj devenlando. Pliajn klarigojn vi trovos rigardante {{BabelLando}}.
Agrablegan kunlaboradon deziras al vi -- Remux - Mi neniam forgesos ke mi enamiĝis de la plej bela floro Ĉu mi povas helpi vin iel?
21:56, 10 Jul. 2013 (UTC)
- And it has been pleasant working with you as well, if I take your meaning correctly.
- I should study this language, but I don't know anyone in Toronto who speaks it.
- ?Santiago de Cali? ?Esta Vd. en Colombia?
- Tenemos restaurantes colombianos aqui en Toronto, pero ningunos restaurantes esperantos.
- !Por favor, joven, el café esperanto! Sin azucar.
- Varlaam (diskuto) 03:28, 11 Jul. 2013 (UTC)
Saluton Varlaam! Thank you for your interest in Listo de metrooj en la mondo. I first rejected your changes, but they were not the cause of dysfunction. I soon realized that what was wrong, was a change in templates. I finally resigned about flags and ordered the table according to esperanto names of states, which I guess was your intention to do. Multajn dankojn --Dominik (diskuto) 04:33, 9 Feb. 2014 (UTC)
- Thanks very much.
- Je crois que vous êtes français? Dominique, peut-être?
- I personally like flags. For the colour, for the visual interest.
- I have really only been learning Esperanto for about 1 week.
- I have made some more small corrections.
- It's good working with you. I find eowiki to be a friendly place.
- Good night, Varlaam (diskuto) 06:33, 9 Feb. 2014 (UTC)
- Denove saluton Varlaam! Have a look at Dominiko (nomo). Ĉion bonan! --Dominik (diskuto) 06:19, 14 Feb. 2014 (UTC)
Asteroido unua ? =
[redakti fonton]Mi ne scias ĉu la asteroidoj, pri kiu mi redaktas, povas esti tiel dirita "artikolo unua en Esperanto", multe da ili ekzistas en Jorub, Viet-nama, Armena ktp...
Mi bedaŭras ne havi tempo por serĉi : mi dormu.
--Jean-François Clet (diskuto) 22:22, 14 Feb. 2014 (UTC)
Version française
[redakti fonton]Bonjour.
Veuillez m'excuser d'avoir répondu rapidement : c'était l'heure du coucher.
Je sais qu'il existe une catégorie d'articles "Rédigé premièrement en Espéranto", mais je ne sais pas s'il s'applique aŭ "petits germes" que sont les aticles au sujet des astéroïdes... La plupart existe en yoruba, viet-namien, arabe, polonais, ukrainien... et surtout en italien. Il est vrai que les asteroïdes non nommés sont souvent laissé en "lien rouge", l'article est alors entièrement crée à partir de la fiche JPL Small Body Database. Finalement, je m'interesse assez peu aux articles en d'autres langues, sauf cas particuliers (centaures, astéroïdes visités par des sondes...). On pourait presque dire que toutes les pages au sujet d'astéroïdes sont des traduction des pages en anglais : JPL Small Body Database ou éventuellement NEODYS.
Amike --Jean-François Clet (diskuto) 12:40, 15 Feb. 2014 (UTC)
Saluton Varlaam! I could see you put Pierre Laval and Philippe Pétain in Category Kategorio:Francaj militkrimuloj - could you give me evidence from other wiki(s) as these people do not seem to be considered as war criminals in French wiki. Dankon. --Dominik (diskuto) 05:50, 21 Feb. 2014 (UTC)
- Laval was executed after the war as a collaborator.
- Maréchal Pétain was considered to be a war criminal, but he was not prosecuted as one because of his age and because of the respect people still had for him from the First War.
- Varlaam (diskuto) 06:04, 21 Feb. 2014 (UTC)
- Dear Varlaam! I undid your last change in Philippe Pétain - I fear that in this case you expressed your own opinion. This is the 1st time I hear that Pétain is like Hirohito of Japan. There is no support of him being a war criminal in other wikis. I appreciate your good work here in eowiki. --Dominik (diskuto) 07:25, 21 Feb. 2014 (UTC)
Hello! In this should be "Doscography" main section "Albums" and "Singles" in this language. Please answer my on my discussion page. Eurohunter (diskuto) 19:51, 9 Mar. 2014 (UTC)
Invitation to Medical Translation
[redakti fonton]Medical Translation Project
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Invitation to the Medical Translation Project – a joint Wikimedia project started by the English language WikiProject Medicine! Thank you for being one of the top Medical editors! I want to use this opportunity to introduce you to our most ambitious project. We want to use Wikipedia to spread knowledge where it will be used. Studies have shown that Wikipedia is the most common resource of medical knowledge, and used by more people than any other source! We want high quality articles, available to everyone, regardless of language ability. It isn't right that you would need to know a major language to get hold of quality content! That is why in the recent Ebola crisis (which is still ongoing) we translated information into over 70 languages, many of them small African languages. This was important, as Wikipedia was also shown to be the biggest resource used in Africa for information on Ebola! We see tremendous potential, but also great risks as our information needs to be accurate and well-researched. We only translate articles that have been reviewed by medical doctors and experts, so that what we translate is correct. Many of our translators are professionals, but many are also volunteers, and we need more of you guys – both to translate, but also to import finished translations, and fix grammatical or other style issues that are introduced by the translation process. Our articles are not only translated into small languages, but also to larger ones, but as of 2015 this requires users to apply for an article to be translated, which can be done here (full articles, short articles) with an easy to manage google document. So regardless of your background head over to our main page for more information, or to our talk page and ask us questions. Feel free to respond in any language, we will do our best to find some way to communicate. No task is too small, and we need everyone to help out!
Thank you for helping medical information on Wikipedia grow! -- CFCF 🍌 (email) 15:37, 28 January 2015 (UTC) |