[redakti fonton]Movement Strategy and Governance News – Issue 6
[redakti fonton]Movement Strategy and Governance News
Issue 6, April 2022Read the full newsletter
Welcome to the sixth issue of Movement Strategy and Governance News! This revamped newsletter distributes relevant news and events about the Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct, Movement Strategy Implementation grants, Board of trustees elections and other relevant MSG topics.
This Newsletter will be distributed quarterly, while the more frequent Updates will also be delivered weekly. Please remember to subscribe here if you would like to receive future issues of this newsletter.
- Leadership Development - A Working Group is Forming! - The application to join the Leadership Development Working Group closed on April 10th, 2022, and up to 12 community members will be selected to participate in the working group. (continue reading)
- Universal Code of Conduct Ratification Results are out! - The global decision process on the enforcement of the UCoC via SecurePoll was held from 7 to 21 March. Over 2,300 eligible voters from at least 128 different home projects submitted their opinions and comments. (continue reading)
- Movement Discussions on Hubs - The Global Conversation event on Regional and Thematic Hubs was held on Saturday, March 12, and was attended by 84 diverse Wikimedians from across the movement. (continue reading)
- Movement Strategy Grants Remain Open! - Since the start of the year, six proposals with a total value of about $80,000 USD have been approved. Do you have a movement strategy project idea? Reach out to us! (continue reading)
- The Movement Charter Drafting Committee is All Set! - The Committee of fifteen members which was elected in October 2021, has agreed on the essential values and methods for its work, and has started to create the outline of the Movement Charter draft. (continue reading)
- Introducing Movement Strategy Weekly - Contribute and Subscribe! - The MSG team have just launched the updates portal, which is connected to the various Movement Strategy pages on Meta-wiki. Subscriber to get up-to-date news about the various ongoing projects. (continue reading)
- Diff Blogs - Check out the most recent publications about Movement Strategy on Wikimedia Diff. (continue reading)
Zuz (WMF) (diskuto) 10:31, 13 apr. 2022 (UTC)
Join the Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan conversations with Maryana Iskander
[redakti fonton]Hello,
The Movement Communications and Movement Strategy and Governance teams invite you to discuss the 2022-23 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan, a plan of record for the Wikimedia Foundation's work.
These conversations continue Maryana Iskander's Wikimedia Foundation Chief Executive Officer listening tour.
The conversations are about these questions:
- The 2030 Wikimedia Movement Strategy sets a direction toward "knowledge as a service" and "knowledge equity". The Wikimedia Foundation wants to plan according to these two goals. How do you think the Wikimedia Foundation should apply them to our work?
- The Wikimedia Foundation continues to explore better ways of working at a regional level. We have increased our regional focus in areas like grants, new features, and community conversations. What is working well? How can we improve?
- Anyone can contribute to the Movement Strategy process. Let's collect your activities, ideas, requests, and lessons learned. How can the Wikimedia Foundation better support the volunteers and affiliates working in Movement Strategy activities?
You can find the schedule of calls on Meta-wiki.
The information will be available in multiple languages. Each call will be open to anyone to attend. Live interpretation will be available in some calls.
Best regards,
Zuz (WMF) (diskuto) 09:55, 15 apr. 2022 (UTC)
Ĉu ekzistas taŭga ŝablono?
[redakti fonton]La artikolo Nokia (kompanio) estas tre malaktuala. La informoj en ĝi estas ĝustaj, sed temas pri la situacio de antaŭ pli ol dek jaroj. Intertempe la kompanio plene reformis sin. Ekzemple, ĝi jam ne produktas telefonojn (la marko ja plu ekzistas), sed estas grava en la kampo de telekomunikaj retoj. Mi ne havas tempon kaj eĉ jam ne kompetentas verki pri Nokia. Ĉu ekzistas ŝablono por meti ĉe la komenco de la artikolo por atentigi pri tia eksvalora teksto? Ĝi povus resti tie ĝis sufiĉa reverkado. Mi iam rimarkis, ke troviĝas ŝablonoj por atentigi pri mankoj aŭ eraro, sed por mi la ŝablonoj estas io esotera, arkana kaj kripta. Se vi scias pri io konvena, bonvolu aldoni ĝin al la artikolo.--Surfo 16:25, 22 apr. 2022 (UTC)
- Saluton, @Surfo:. Mi ĵus aldonis {{pluraj problemoj}} al Nokia (kompanio), aldoninte plian valoron de nenomitaj parametroj al la rilataj Lua-moduloj. Nun eĉ eblas marki artikolojn, kiuj havas problemon kun aktualeco. - Amike --Tlustulimu (diskuto) 17:31, 23 apr. 2022 (UTC)
- Dankon, Tlustulimu. La ĉefa problemo en la artikolo estas manko de aktualaj informoj. La teksto ne estas malĝusta, sed ĝi priskribas la situacion antaŭ 15 jaroj, poste draste ŝanĝitan.. Surfo 08:25, 24 apr. 2022 (UTC)
2022 Board of Trustees Call for Candidates
[redakti fonton]The Board of Trustees seeks candidates for the 2022 Board of Trustees election. Read more on Meta-wiki.
The 2022 Board of Trustees election is here! Please consider submitting your candidacy to serve on the Board of Trustees.
The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees oversees the Wikimedia Foundation's operations. Community-and-affiliate selected trustees and Board-appointed trustees make up the Board of Trustees. Each trustee serves a three year term. The Wikimedia community has the opportunity to vote for community-and-affiliate selected trustees.
The Wikimedia community will vote to fill two seats on the Board in 2022. This is an opportunity to improve the representation, diversity, and expertise of the Board as a team.
Who are potential candidates? Are you a potential candidate? Find out more on the Apply to be a Candidate page.
Thank you for your support,
Movement Strategy and Governance on behalf of the Elections Committee and the Board of Trustees
Zuz (WMF) (diskuto) 12:55, 26 apr. 2022 (UTC)
Next steps: Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) and UCoC Enforcement Guidelines
[redakti fonton]The Community Affairs Committee of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees would like to thank everyone who participated in the recently concluded community vote on the Enforcement Guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC).
While the Enforcement Guidelines did reach a threshold of support necessary for the Board to review, we encouraged voters, regardless of which way they were voting, to provide feedback on the elements of the enforcement guidelines that they felt needed to be changed or fixed, as well as why, in case it seemed advisable to launch a further round of edits that would address community concerns.
Foundation staff who have been reviewing comments have advised us of some of the emerging themes, and as a result we have decided as Community Affairs Committee to ask the Foundation to reconvene the drafting committee and to undertake another community engagement to refine the enforcement guidelines based on the community feedback received from the recently concluded vote.
Further, we are aware of the concerns with the note 3.1 in the Universal Code of Conduct Policy. We are directing the Foundation to facilitate a review of this language to ensure that the Policy meets its intended purposes of supporting a safe and inclusive community, without waiting for the planned review of the entire Policy at the end of year.
Please visit here to read the full announcement.
Best, Zuz (WMF) (diskuto) 11:55, 28 apr. 2022 (UTC)
Coming soon: Improvements for templates
[redakti fonton]Hello, more changes around templates are coming to your wiki soon:
The template dialog in VisualEditor and in the 2017 Wikitext Editor (beta) will be improved fundamentally: This should help users understand better what the template expects, how to navigate the template, and how to add parameters.
In syntax highlighting (CodeMirror extension), you can activate a colorblind-friendly color scheme with a user setting.
Deployment is planned for May 10. This is the last set of improvements from WMDE Technical Wishes' focus area “Templates”.
We would love to hear your feedback on our talk pages!