Vikipedio:Informkesto koloro
Tiu ĉi listo de koloroj estas uzenda nur por informkestoj.
[redakti fonton]Culture | #ffcccc |
Geography | #ccffcc |
History | #ccffcc |
Mathematics | #ccccff |
People | #0000ff (blue) |
Science | #ccccff |
Human societies | #ffcccc |
Technology | #ccccff |
[redakti fonton]Kategorio | Kodo de koloro | Nomo de koloro |
Bible Translations | #800000 | maroon |
Television theme songs | #D2691E | chocolate |
Strict Nature Reserve (old color) | #D06030 | |
Strict Nature Reserve | #E7AF97 | |
Elements:Alkali metals | #FF6666 | |
EPs | #FA8072 | salmon |
Elements:Actinides | #ff99cc | |
Elements:Lanthanides | #ffbfff | |
Animals | #FF1493 | pink |
Dog breeds | #FF1493 | pink |
Astronomical objects | #ffc0c0 | |
Elements:Transition metals | #ffc0c0 | |
British New Army | #ddbbbb | |
Singles | #FFFF00 | yellow |
Elements:Halogens | #ffff99 | |
Protists | #F0E68C | khaki |
Academy Awards ceremonies | #EEDD82 | |
Elements:Alkaline earths | #FFDEAD | navajowhite |
Compounds | #FFDEAD | navajowhite |
Alternative Medicine | #ffcc99 | |
Saints | #B57EDC | lavender |
Breweries | #ECC850 | |
Currency | #B8860B | goldenrod |
Digimon | #FFA040 | |
Albums (original, studio LPs) | #FFA500 | orange |
Monster Trucks | #FF9C00 | |
Amusement parks | #FF8020 | |
Rail transport | #CC9966 | |
Wilderness Area (old color) | #B5954B | |
Wilderness Area | #DACAA5 | |
Mountains | #e7dcc3 | |
Elements:Semimetals | #cccc99 | |
British Yeomanry (Army) | #dbdbbb | |
British Regular Army | #bbddbb | |
Geographic subdivisions | #DEFFAD | |
Elements:Nonmetals | #a0ffa0 | |
Plants | #90EE90 | lightgreen |
Corporations | #90EE90 | lightgreen |
Television Stations | #66FFCC | |
Natural Monument (old color) | #80FF80 | |
Disney Characters | #5BE85B | |
Natural Monument | #BFFFBF | |
Habitat/Species Management Area (old color) | #65CB9B | |
Habitat/Species Management Area | #B2E5CD | |
Greatest hits, box sets and other compilations | #8FBC8F | darkseagreen |
Work of classical music | #228B22 | forestgreen |
National Park (old color) | #9BCB65 | |
National Park | #CDE5B2 | |
British Territorial Army | #bbbbdd | |
Fungi | #ADD8E6 | lightblue |
Elements:Noble gases | #c0ffff | |
Live albums | #00CED1 | darkturquoise |
Protected Landscape/Seascape (old color) | #4B95B5 | |
Protected Landscape/Seascape | #A5CADA | |
Sustainability and Energy Development | #87BBC8 | |
Planes | #87CEEB | skyblue |
Royal Air Force Squadrons | #87CEFA | lightskyblue |
Royal Air Force Stations | #00BFFF | deepskyblue |
Managed Resource Protected Area (old color) | #3060D0 | |
Managed Resource Protected Area | #A8BDEC | |
Ships | #000080 | Navy |
Cover and tribute albums | #DDA0DD | plum |
Rocks and Minerals | #9966FF | |
Countries, US states | #efefef | |
Space missions | #efefef | |
Weaponry | #efefef | |
Movie soundtracks | #DCDCDC | gainsboro |
Languages | #DDDDDD | |
Bacteria | #D3D3D3 | lightgrey |
Elements:Metals | #cccccc | |
Battles | #cccccc | |
Other British army | #cccccc | |
Constellations | #C0C0C0 | silver |
Archaea | #A9A9A9 | darkgray |
Computing topics | #f9f9f9 | |
NFL Football players | #B0C4DE | lightsteelblue |
Paranormal | #000000 | Black |